Application Note
Vanes in balloons 10, 30, 40 & 60 are
designed to fit the 9500 through Quantum
X tools and are functional replacements
for OEM#'s 0020-82810, 0020-99710, &
Vanes in balloons 20, 50 <(>&<)> 70 are
designed to fit the Quantum X+ tool and
are functional replacements for OEM#
Vanes in balloons 40 & 50 (noted as
"Long Life") were originally modified in
an effort to increase the part life,
however, this design has shown a larger
impact on tool performance in their
ability to maintain a more uniform beam
profile through the life of the parts.
Vanes 60 & 70 (noted as "Particle
Reduction") were designed with particle
and flake reduction in mind and have
proven very effective at accomplishing
both of these tasks.